Monday, March 10, 2008

HDN Key Correspondent Training in Chiang Mai

Finally, I started to travel again. And as usual, this one is also a working travel. I'm going to join the HDN Key Correspondent Training in Chiang Mai... Yayyy!!! Finally I will see the other side of Thailand!

So, this training was held in AHRN office in Chiang Mai. The place was really beautiful It was more like a Playboy Mansion. Two houses with huge yard and swimming pool! They said that the house belongs to one of former prime minister and his daughter rented it out for a cheap price, especially for NGOs. So, here we are, having a packed training in the pavillion overlooking the swimming pool. It was nice.

On the first night, HDN took us to have a nice dinner at a fancy restaurant called Khum Khantoke. The place was huge and beautiful. Very ethnic. The dinner was free flow of traditional Thai food mixed with Indian. Traditional performances were accompanying us during dinner time. Those beautiful teenagers with slim figure and flat tummy!

We had a very intense day on the second day. I almost lost all my energy [and I haven't done any shoppings!]. Lucky that we did not have any programs after the training was ended. So, Rachel and I decided to let ourselves had a nice dinner at the Nero Cafe nearby.

After that, we went to the Night Market. I really have this crave to do some shoppings. Well, at least to buy some souvenirs for my friends at the office. After several tour and detour of the market, I finally made my first, last and the only purchase! Bookmarks for my friends back in KL. I really did not get anything interesting for myself. The price was twice as much as Bangkok's and I really have no idea what to buy for myself. I was bargaining for a bag, but I was not succeeded. And then I thought to myself, I'd just buy it in Bangkok in my next visit. End of discussion.

I like Chiang Mai. It's quiter than Bangkok, but Bangkok is more accessible in terms of transportation. I was too tired to bargain for taxi fares. Anyway, i's a nice place for a holiday, but I prefer Pattaya though... Hahaha!

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