nggak tau kenapa, hari ini gue kok mellow banget rasanya. dengerin lagunya iwan fals aja mata gue langsung panas. dengerin samsons jadi kasuat-suat. dengerin kerispatih juga rasanya nggak puguh. dengerin lagunya ungu juga rasanya ngelangut banget. semua lagu kayaknya nggak ada yang asik buat didengerin. semua lagu rasanya jadi very very touchy termasuk lagu-lagunya 311, metallica, creed dan yang lain-lain [jadi maneh teh sabenerna rek resign atawa patah hati, ra???].
i know i'm gonna miss all of my friends here. my sales team [especially]. walaupun gue nggak pindah ke luar kota, tapi semua kegilaan yang pernah kita lewatin bareng nggak bakalan bisa tergantikan. gue yakin, di tempat baru gue nanti juga bakalan banyak kegilaan lain, tapi everything will never be the same. anehnya, gue baru 7 bulan gawe di sini, tapi rasanya gue berat banget ninggalin tempat ini. padahal dulu di tempat sebelumnya gue udah gawe 5 taun, tapi pas pindah gue biasa-biasa aja. mungkin karena temen-temen satu tim gue di sini jauh lebih kompak dan solid. ngapa-ngapain kita bareng. kemana-mana bareng. makan siang selalu bareng. dimarahin bareng. mencak-mencak juga bareng. pokoknya selalu bareng-bareng deh. that is one thing that i didn't get in my previous company.
anyway, life goes on. the show must go on. i've made my choice and i believe it's for my own good. it wasn't an easy thing to choose, but i did, so i must commit. i've always wanted to get a job in a new field, i'm kind of tired running around in the same field all these times.
well, guys... it's been one hell of a crazy semester with all of you. i know that it will draw a smile on my face whenever i remember it. those crazy days, those insanities, those mental actions, those weird jokes we made to each other, those nicknames, those dirty conversations and harassments, bloody insane people that worked together in one office area.
i'll miss you guys...
Nenon - the most weird and dangerous secretary i've known for life! a walking - warning for everyone: never abuse the secretary! because she can do anything deadly to you, like stirring the coffee with a pen or marker!
Like - the rebellious senior sales manager who will definitely argue over everything, including the smallest and the most unimportant things ever!!!
Irawan - the most [forced to be] calm sales manager who hates to have the 'golden boy' nickname given by others, merely a newcomer and always got harassed by others [newcomers always got harassed, don't they...? it's the rules]
Reza - the crazy sales executive and an ex-golden boy of the year who loves to harass Diana wholeheartedly every day, a daily competitor for backsound music in the office, an expert of the craziest idioms of the day
Diana - the most harrassable sales executive who needs to upgrade her inner PC from Pentium II to Pentium IV in order to catch up all the jokes and harassments in the office [no hard feelings, Di...]
Sherleena - our beloved sidekick from the reservation who is always willing to join the crowd for lunch, cigarettes and harassments
jadikan aku kenangan terindah dalam hidup kalian ya.... [Samsons bangaaaaat....]